Establishment pedagogy


Classroom initiatives to reduce violence in school : « Pédagogie institutionnelle », Establishment pedagogy.

                                                                   Classroom initiatives to reduce violence in school :
                                                                                                      « Pédagogie institutionnelle »
                                                                                                            Establishment pedagogy.

European Conference on Initiatives

to Combat School Bullying.

Barbican Center, London

May, 15.16 th 1998

On the one hand, my belongings as a lecturer and as a researcher, in acquaintance with « establishment pedagogy », taken as « How to handle institutions ? », within a society in crisis. Whatever it happens, it’s a matter of thinking an active pedagogy within key-institutions of the society.

On the other hand, violence problems, the problem of violences within institution, and violences of the institution.

The relationship is obvious. The evidence is, as I’m acting within institutions and critical situations, that naturally I came to lay the questions of close linkings between pedagogy and violence.

Two definitions for violence.

The first one is issued from a study brought out few monthes ago, where I was able to compare violences in school over twelve establishments in Germany, U.K., and France. It tries to tie up the meaning violence has in these contries :

« By violences we mean actions or violent attitudes, or perceived as violent, which means using directly or indirectly, strength, constraint, or allowing them. Also actions or attitudes,  undistinguised or loose, of institutional bullying. » (Jacques Pain, 1996).

The second one is after Anglo-Saxon specialists of « bullying », that I translate into french as « malmenance » ; Let’s quote the Swedish Dan Olweus and the English Peter Smith ; « The misuse of authority », in the street, in institutions, at school, in family. We epitomize « Abuse » (Peter Smith, 1996).

Then, violences in school, violences in educational environment, what is it about ? I’ll raise two patterns of violences.


Institutional pedagogy day after day, fighting violence and bullying?

Made out of the Freinet’s techniques in the sixties, institutional pedagogy has spread from school and the classroom to educative institution, specifically to boarding and lodging schools as well as training ones. It is made out of pedagogical precise implements.

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